Friday, October 12, 2007

Fuckin' ignorant people!!!

So about a week ago I got a letter from one of my girlfriends from back in the day....and it was a very sweet letter! At first it really didn't phase me too much...but after I read it again I couldn't believe what her friends had asked her! Who the hell asks someone "Do you feel responsible for the way he is now?" Ok I'm sorry but that is just pure IGNORANCE! Now I'm not attacking anyone or anything I'm just stating my point of view on this because it just annoys the hell outta me that people still think this way about things!!!

I dated a few girls between 6th and 10th grade and honestly I only really remember the important ones that were actually around for a while. I may have had a few shorter dating periods with some girls but I don't really remember. Besides who and how many I did date is NOT important! What is important is that every girl I did date needs to know it's not their fault I am "this way!" I am the way I am because I've always been this way. I was born this way, and back then I was really confused about who I was!!! I can honestly say that each girl I had a significant relationship with has touched my life in one way or another. They all still and always will have a place in my heart for the simple fact that they played a key roll in helping me find myself! I do not regret anything that I've done in my life and honestly probably never will because everything that I have been through at this point in my life has made me the man I am today! It really sucks that someone would honestly think that one girl or anyone for that matter made me the way I am! It's ridiculous and completely NOT true!

I do want to take this time to thank those know who you are....for sticking by me during that rough period in my life and if I ever hurt you in any way shape or form I apologize because it was NOT my intention to hurt anyone! You have truly played a large roll in my life and I am thankful everyday that I had each of you in my life!!! I know who I am now and I'm completely happy with the way I turned out! I have been blessed to have had each of you in my life!

To the people out there who still do not understand the concept of how sexuality works....Think before you say stupid things because one of these days you are going to really offend someone or hurt someone's feelings!!! You honestly should NOT being talking about something if you don't understand it!!

Life is what YOU make it people!!! Live your life to the fullest and live it the way YOU want to live....never let ANYONE bring you down.....Life is too short to let other people make you feel you're not good enough or let what other people think control your life....I learned this the hard way!!

The next time you hear someone say something stupid about something they don't understand....educate them! We need to stop this "idea" that being gay is a choice because new flash......IT'S NOT!!!!

1 comment:

liz jordan said...

OMG i love your blog entries. they're so vent-y and honest and out there just like my blog can't be because i'm certain there are many peeps in the gov't reading it and since i gotta be representin' the US of A that's how it's gotta be. But i'm with you all the way man. you should see how they feel about homosexuals here - oh man. Life is what you make it that's for sure. Be yourself, only more.

love you miss you talk to you soon!